English Summary
Empty Bowl 2024 takes place on 7th of September 11.00-14.00 at Helsinki Cathedral!
Let’s do good together!
You can also donate directly:
1. MobilePay 52053
2. Finnish UNICEF bank account FI56 1555 3000 1166 09, reference 3300 4163 5250 0510 0000.
3. Online fundraiser Tyhjä kulho auttaa hädässä
Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to fight hunger. It was started 1990 in Michigan, USA, by art teachers Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom. Empty Bowls is a happy lunch event that is established through donations given by potters and other craftspeople who make beautiful handcrafted bowls, restaurants that donate delicious soups and bread. Musical entertainment is also donated to the event by exceptional artists.
In exchange for a cash donation (minimum 25 €) visitors are given a handmade bowl to keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.
Thank you for Empty Bowl 2023
Thank you to all of you who participated and were involved in the Empty Bowl 2023 collection and events! The Empty bowl collection generated more than €10 000 for UNICEF’s emergency aid.
Events take place all around the world and many millions of dollars have been raised and donated to hunger-fighting organizations. Empty Bowls Helsinki’s donations go to the Finnish UNICEF emergency fund, which uses the money to build and renovate wells, water pipes, pumps and dry toilets, and to teach children in poor countries the basics of hygiene. Work is done in over 90 worst-off countries.
Finland’s first ever Empty Bowls event took place in 2003 in Helsinki. Ceramic artist Eva Spoof gathered a group to arrange the Empty Bowls day as a celebration of her 10-year-anniversary as a ceramic artist UDUMBARA. Ceramic artists, restaurants and other volunteers participated in making the day a success. 800 bowls went in just two hours.
The most successful year so far has been 2008, when 870 guests donated approximately 15 300 euros to UNICEF.
From 2006 on the Empty Bowls Helsinki has been a part of the Helsinki Design Week. In addition, it was one of the Suomi 90 Finland jubilee year’s events. In 2011 it was one of Ornamo’s 100-year celebrations.
In 2008 Empty Bowls Helsinki was awarded the ”Vuoden UNICEF-teko” diploma and ”Kelpo esimerkki” diplomafor volunteer work.
For further information, please contact info(at)tyhjakulho.fi
Read more about the international Empty Bowls organisation at www.emptybowls.com.